What the battery does:
1. Starts the engine
2. Provides electrical power to the vehicle when running and is recharged by the alternator.
3. Provides electrical power to the vehicle when it is not running.

CA, CCA, and RC
CA - is cranking amps measured at 32 degrees F.
CA Value is not as important as CCA
CCA - is a measurement of the number of amps a battery can deliver at 0 ° F for 30 seconds and not drop below 7.2 volts.
CCA - Larger CCA is always better and is usually a heavier battery.
RC - Number of minutes a fully charged battery at 80 ° F will discharge 25 amps until the battery drops below 10.5 volts.
This is the minutes you have if the alternator stops charging the battery.

1. Use the same CCA as original equipment.
2. If the engine gets harder to start, upgrade to higher CCA
3. A higher CCA will never hurt your vehicle, it just weighs more.
4. A lower CCA will power accessories longer with the engine off.
5. A lower CCA will have a slightly longer lifespan, provided the engine starts easily, everytime.

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